Hey there, I'm Kayla! I have a passion for creating delicious recipes and sharing them with the world.
I've never understood those who keep their recipes a secret. I thrive on bringing people together through delicious food, and being a recipe sharer is one of the main reasons I began this blogging journey.
My journey into the world of cooking began when I married my husband. My lack of experience had me leaning heavily on butter, cheese, and cream to make everything taste good, and it worked. Dairy became an essential ingredient in everything I made.
However, a few years into my cooking journey, my body had other plans. I discovered that I no longer reacted well to dairy. Although the breakup with it was extremely difficult, it motivated me to seek out equally delicious alternatives and share them with those facing similar dietary challenges.
Eliminating dairy also led me to embrace a simpler and more nutritious way of eating. I firmly believe that our diets play a crucial role in supporting our well-being. Of course, not every recipe on the blog is a health kick – sometimes, it's perfectly okay to indulge in a treat.
The Dairy-Free Menu was born out of my desire to offer a menu of options to those like me. Even if you aren't dairy-free, many of these recipes can be easily adapted to include dairy. So, there truly is something for everyone here.
I encourage you to try my recipes, whether you follow them to the letter or put your own spin on them. Whatever you decide, I'd love to hear about your experience and whether you and your family enjoyed my recipes. And if you did, don't hesitate to share the love!